Our Team
Melanie Lizotte
B.A. M.Ed.
Melanie Lizotte is a member of the Otipemisiwak Metis Government. Melanie is a Canadian Council for Indigenous Business (CCIB) certified Indigenous Cultural Awareness Trainer and Owner and Director of Inspired Connections Consulting – a CCIB Certified Indigenous Business.
Melanie has a Master of Education Degree in
Human Rights Policy Studies and Intercultural
Education from the University of Alberta and has
obtained certification in Indigenous Community -
Industry Relations from the University of Alberta.
Melanie trained for 3 years with internationally
renowned psychiatrist Dr. Bruce Perry in
Trauma Responsive Education and is now certified as an Advanced Trainer in the
Neuro-Sequential Model of Education. This has enabled her to provide professional
development sessions in Trauma Responsive Education to teachers and administrators in Indigenous communities in Alberta and British Columbia.
Melanie also has a long history serving as a National Manager of Indigenous Relations
for an infrastructure construction company where she has led the nationwide Indigenous Relations program including the creation and implementation of the company’s Indigenous Engagement Policy and directing
the company through CCIB PAIR Certification.
Dr. Patricia
Dr. Patricia Makokis has a Doctorate in Education (Ed.D.), with a major in leadership from the University of San Diego. Dr. Makokis is acclaimed as one of Canada’s most outstanding Aboriginal leaders. Dr. Makokis was awarded the Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal and the Distinguished Alumni Award from the University of San Diego amongst other awards.
Dr. Makokis is an instructor at the University of Alberta and at Yellowhead Tribal College where she teaches in the Indigenous Community Industry Program which she developed along with Indigenous Elders.
Dr. Makokis is an internationally acclaimed film producer and her films Treaty Talk and Awasisak Our Future (www.treatytalk.com) have received many awards at international film festivals.
She is the mother of two grown children, Janice Makokis, who graduated with a degree in law, and James Makokis, a Medical Doctor. Pat and her husband Eugene reside on the Saddle Lake Cree Nation (Northeastern Alberta).