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PAIR - partnership Accreditation in
indigenous relations

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Inspired Connections Consulting can help you meet your
PAIR (PAR) Certification goals. Partnership
Accreditation in Indigenous Relations - PAIR (formerly
known as PAR) is a certification program that confirms
corporate performance in Indigenous relations at the
Bronze, Silver, or Gold, level.


Indigenous cultural awareness training is a PAIR
program requirement for companies. In our role as
Canadian Council for Indigenous Business (CCIB)
Certified Cultural Awareness Trainers, Melanie Lizotte,
B.A., M.Ed., and Patricia Makokis, Ed.D., can help your
organization become PAIR certified. We can work with
your company or organization to provide continuing
Indigenous Cultural Awareness Training throughout
your PAIR journey at each level of certification
(Committed, Bronze, Silver, and Gold.)


Our Training Program meets and exceeds PAIR
requirements, and our highly educated trainers have

community-based lived knowledge and a comprehensive
understanding of the concepts being presented.

Benefits of becoming PAIR Certified include:

Increasing your company’s competitive advantage by:

  • developing a purpose-based, values driven corporate

       culture which is committed to the socio-economic
       inclusion of Indigenous Peoples.

  • strengthening your company’s connection to the

       fastest growing labour market in Canada.

  • strengthening your company’s connection to

       Indigenous businesses.

  • demonstrating that your company understands that

       providing procurement and employment
       opportunities for Indigenous businesses and
       employees has become a prerequisite to being
       awarded projects within the Traditional Territories
       of First Nation, Metis, and Inuit Peoples.

  • avoiding costly mistakes that can occur when

       interacting with Indigenous Nations and

       Communities without having a basic level of
       cultural competency.

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